The Visibility Project
Otis Junior
The year I started middle school, Alicia Keys released her debut album
Songs in A Minor, and a door in one of my mental hallways unlocked. She was young and Black with a passion for singing, and a fascination with classical piano. So was I. By the time she dropped her second album, my childhood best friend and I were regularly sneaking into the school auditorium after class to play the poorly-tuned upright piano next to the stage. We learned Alicia’s music and felt like we could be stars. Her visibility was the representation we needed.
Throughout my life, those mental doors have continued to unlock, sometimes with the most unexpected of keys. Whether it was through Jimi Hendrix, Samuel L. Jackson, or RuPaul, I have come to learn that we can make things possible for each other by simply being seen. I spoke with five Louisville artists whose visibility is bound to unlock a few doors and got their perspectives on art and the importance of visibility.
Just in case
By Isiah Fish
Is there a problem officer?
Was I speeding? Did a taillight bust?
Did I forget to signal right when I turned
off Blue Lick & cut the night in two dust-wrapped halves?
Was my music too loud between the field where straw grass conduits the wind & the full moon weeps above
what’s been burning on these streets for over a year now?
Here’s my license, registration—
My zip-code is 402 don’t shoot
My number is 502 hands up
My favorite Skittle flavor is pineapple
passionfruit, it’s from the tropical bag.
Everything in the animal kingdom consumes—
Remember the year the mayor declared racism
a public health crisis? A sickness seeping into everyday life?
I removed my du rag when I saw your red & blue lights
strike the cantilever bridge, hooked fish
in the water below, temperate.
Do you want to know what’s in my system & will the answer make me any less human than say,
Your mother?
Would it make a difference if i told you i was driving to see my family, to play Monopoly with my nephew, to listen
to my mother laugh over a wet cutting board & peppers?
Have you ever been placed on administrative leave?
What kind of gun can you mistake a notebook for?
Do you remember Rodney King & the cops who beat
him with a baton for fifteen minutes & were found not guilty?
Do you feel as invincible as them?
Before you answer,
you should know my bestie has my location
& I’m streaming this live on TikTok
just in case I have to drive home dead.